ClubFan Forums

Liverpool Football Club leads the way in fan engagement

Collaborative working with Fans

We know that there are many short-term issues that we want to involve fans in, issues that require short collaborative conversations with upfront and honest discussions.

Our Fan Forums provide the space for these conversations and cover Matchday Experience (to discuss the experiences at Anfield, Prenton Park and away grounds), Ticketing (to discuss ticket sales, eligibility and policies), and Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (to discuss the needs of all fans and their relationship with the Club, with a particular focus on fans with additional needs or challenges when attending matches).

Each forum is made up of 8-12 supporters and has a Fan ‘Chair’ who is also a member of the Supporters Board to ensure continuity between the 2 groups.

Meetings are chaired and organised by Yonit, our Supporter Liaison Officer, and will be attended by fans and Club colleagues as needed. We hope to hold forums at regular intervals of about every 8 weeks and the agenda will be shaped by inputs from both the Club and the Fan forum members.

How can I get involved?

Periodically we will advertise vacancies for the Fan Forums – this is a great way of fans getting involved in representing themselves and other supporters on these important forums. Details of the selection process will be explained when the vacancies are advertised on our website.

How will I know what has been discussed at the fan forums?

Summaries of the fan forum meetings will be published here so all fans can see what was discussed.

Get in Touch

To contact the Fan Forum’s you can email and Yonit will pass your contact on to the relevant forum and or club colleague.


For all meeting notes and minutes from the Fan Forums dealing with Ticketing

Click Here
Fan Engagement Fan Photo

MatchDay Experience

For all meeting notes and minutes for the Fans Forum dealing with Matchday Experience.

Click Here
Fan Engagement Fan Photo

Fan Forum ED&I

For all meeting notes and minutes for the Fans Forum dealing with Equality, Diversity & Inclusion

Click Here
Fan Engagement Fan Photo