ClubFan Engagement

Our Commitment to Fan Engagement

We, Liverpool Football Club, are committed to involving our fans in discussions and conversations so that they can share their views on important long term strategic and shorter-term tactical matters of importance to us both. These ongoing conversations will sometimes be formal and sometimes be informal (depending on the forum or discussion point) but should always be constructive and result in ideas, debates and decisions which strengthen our Club for the future for all.

We have a Supporters Board to discuss strategic issues with fans and Fan Forums to discuss shorter term tactical matters. More information about both can be found following the links at the top of this page.

For a more in depth understanding of our commitment to dialogue with our supporters you may read our Fan Engagement Plan here. We are proud that we were ahead of the game on Fan Engagement meaning we comfortably meet new, league wide measures recommending structure and a framework to formalise our work in this area.

Finally, in accordance with the Premier League Fan Engagement Standards, we are delighted to publish our first annual Fan Engagement Report covering the 2023-24 season.

Who is responsible for Fan Engagement?

Everyone at LFC is committed to engaging with fans in a suitable and timely way, but some people have more specific responsibilities in this area. Those people include;

  • Andy Hughes, Managing Director, who is our nominated Board Level Official responsible for Fan Engagement
  • Yonit Sharabi, our Supporter Liaison Officer, who is responsible for improving supporter experiences in and around match days, and the management of our club Fan Forums and relationships with fan groups.
  • Amanda Jacks, Director of Supporter Engagement, who is responsible for the club fan engagement framework, liaison with Supporters Board and its constituent fan groups, and meeting the requirements of the Premier League Fan Engagement Standard.

How to Get in Touch

We have a great Supporter Services team who are on hand to answer any questions you may have about all things LFC including your membership, ticket, LFCTV Go subscription, shop or online purchase, visit to any LFC ground or matchday experience.

They can be contacted via email or live chat (NB we provide additional support for our disabled fans) and details of how to contact them can be found here.

Our club complaints policy can be found in our Club Charter here

If you want to contact our Supporter Liaison Officer, Yonit, then please email

If you want to suggest an item for the agenda at one of our fan forums please complete this online form and Yonit will pass your contact on to the relevant forum and or club colleague.