Members' ticket sale ballot details

TicketsMembers' ticket sale ballot details

By Liverpool FC

Ahead of the Members' ticket sale, we can confirm supporters have today been notified of the outcome of the ballot by email.

Those supporters who have been successful will also be able to check which games they have been successful for in the ‘Personal Details’ section in My Account from today.

The club has received 97,242 applications for tickets for Premier League home games in the first half of the 2023-24 season.

Members who registered have the following chance of being selected as a winner for the game(s) they have registered for.

  • Liverpool v Bournemouth – No ballot sale
  • Liverpool v Aston Villa – Final ballot numbers and sale details to be confirmed week commencing August 21
  • Liverpool v West Ham United – Final ballot numbers and sale details to be confirmed week commencing August 21
  • Liverpool v Everton – 1 in 1.2 chance
  • Liverpool v Nottingham Forest – 1 in 13 chance
  • Liverpool v Brentford – 1 in 13 chance
  • Liverpool v Fulham – 1 in 13 chance
  • Liverpool v Manchester United – 1 in 1.2 chance
  • Liverpool v Arsenal – 1 in 1.2 chance
  • Liverpool v Newcastle United – 1 in 13 chance

The ballot is managed independently, with each booking having an equal chance of being selected for each of the games registered for.

Fans are reminded that the Members’ ticket sale will take place starting on August 8, 2023, with full details available here.
