NewsLifelong Red gets ready for charity bike ride with help of NIVEA MEN

Eamon Preston has been a season ticket holder on the Kop since 1995, following his team home and away, and Reds fans may remember him from a video released in December last year.

In the film, Eamon, who is visually impaired, was visited at his home - as part of NIVEA MEN’s Dear Liverpool FC series - by Mohamed Salah, who heard all about his work on behalf of the community.

NIVEA MEN wanted to surprise Eamon, who helps to run the Merseyside-based, volunteer-led SAVI Northwest (Sports and Activities for the Visually Impaired), which was originally set up in January 2009 by and for visually impaired people.

On September 9 and 10, he will be combining his love for cycling and passion for charitable work alongside three others on two tandem bikes by beginning the Shankly Tandem Challenge.

This initial ride, covering 147 miles from Blundell Park in Grimsby to Anfield, is to promote a wider effort the group will undertake next year.

They will follow Bill Shankly’s journey by cycling from Glenbuck, Scotland to Liverpool and stopping at each of the other clubs the legendary Scot played for and managed throughout his career, which also includes Carlisle, Workington, Huddersfield and Preston.

SAVI Northwest co-founder Matt Cliff is among the riders and money raised by the event will go back into developing the organisation’s facilities and creating more opportunities and activities for the visually impaired.

Funds raised through the Shankly Tandem Challenge will also go to Bradbury Fields, a Merseyside-based charity with the mission of enhancing the quality of life, and promoting the health and wellbeing, of people living with sensory loss.

When Salah met Eamon last year, he revealed that NIVEA MEN would be supporting him and his fellow participants in achieving their goal with a special donation.

NIVEA MEN’s donation has enabled the group to purchase a further three tandem bikes as well as local storage space as they get ready for the challenges now looming closer.

“Bill Shankly has always been an inspiration to me and doing this challenge is very special for me,” said Eamon. “It will be hard work - something Bill instilled in those around him.

“He also wanted everybody to be able to have dreams, opportunities and to be part of something special, which are all things I am also very passionate about.

“The support provided to me by those close to me, NIVEA MEN, Liverpool Football Club and many of you who I don’t know will create opportunities and grow communities for many people - helping someone like me turn dreams into reality.”

To support the charity bike ride with a donation, go here.