Official Liverpool Supporters ClubsOLSC Representative Group


To represent specified territories of the Official Liverpool Supporters Club (OLSC) network, the OLSC Representative Group (Rep Group) will meet regularly with the OLSC Team and other LFC staff as required to discuss or resolve relevant collective OLSC matters, ensuring our global OLSC network has a voice on specified topics, with the long-term goal of improving communications between Liverpool Football Club and all global OLSCs.

The Rep Group will be engaged by Liverpool Football Club on various matters, including (but not limited to) OLSC documentation, strategy, processes and protocols, OLSC benefits, MyLFC, charitable initiatives, events, partner engagement, and more.


Each region will always have at least one representative, who will be a serving Chairperson of an OLSC, having held that position for three or more years, and will represent the region of their OLSC.

Every representative will give their own valuable time for the benefit of the wider OLSC network and will have the facility to communicate with you directly. They will be required to attend a certain number of meetings to ensure that they represent your region accordingly.

The elected Rep Group Leader, as nominated and voted for by their peers, will also take a seat on the LFC Supporters Board, ensuring the voice of the OLSC Network can be heard at the highest level.

Should you meet the criteria and wish to become a Rep Group representative, please contact the OLSC Team via the Extranet in the first instance.


The Rep Group will present the agenda for each meeting to the OLSC Team in advance via email, with the OLSC Team adding discussion points where required. Meetings will take place via Teams primarily and will be chaired by the currently elected Rep Group Leader.

If answers to agenda items cannot be provided immediately, they will be taken off line and presented at the following meeting.

Communication Guidelines

For individual OLSC queries of all types, including (but not limited to) ticketing, merchandise approval, OLSC benefits, etc, an OLSC Committee Member should:

  1. Log into the Extranet
  2. Click the “LFC Contact” tab
  3. Hit the “New Enquiry” button
  4. Select the relevant “Enquiry Type” from the drop-down menu
  5. Ensure you read the “Admin Text” at the top of the page
  6. Complete the required information boxes

The OLSC Team strive to meet a 72 working hour service level agreement, as employees of Liverpool Football Club. Should you be dissatisfied with the outcome of any interaction, please refer to OLSC Policy section 4.8 – Complaints to LFC.

For Collective OLSC issues that affect you and other OLSCs, you should contact said representative who will be able to liaise with other OLSCs from the same region and present these to the OLSC Team at the next Rep Group meeting on your behalf:

  1. Log into the Extranet
  2. Click the “OLSC Directory” tab
  3. Select the “Representatives” tab
  4. Choose which representative you would like to contact
  5. Hit the “send message” button next to that person’s name and bio
  6. Complete the required information boxes

The Rep Group cannot discuss any individual OLSC matters, these should be directed to the OLSC Team, as described above for Individual OLSC queries.

If you have been unable to reach your representative for any reason, please advise the OLSC Team via the Extranet.

Please note, Rep Group representatives are volunteers who dedicate their own personal time for the benefit of the OLSC network and will respond to you at their first available opportunity. Liverpool Football Club expect them to be treated with the utmost respect and courtesy from every OLSC Committee Member, both in person, and online.

For any Supporters Board level queries, an OLSC Committee Member should contact their regional representative in the first instance, as per details above. The Rep Group will discuss this issue and respond to you directly on the next course of action, which could include:

  • Responding to you with a solution, in the event the query has been raised before
  • Raising to the OLSC Team in the first instance for input or resolution
  • Raising to the Supporters Board via the elected OLSC Representative at the next official Supporters Board meeting

Please note, all Supporters Board members are bound by a non-disclosure agreement, so while outcomes of discussions may not be provided, you can rest assured that should any collective issue be raised to such a level, it will be heard and reviewed at the highest level within Liverpool Football Club.