
FoundationSuccess for Sport Works Apprentice

Sport Works Apprentice

To celebrate National Apprenticeship Week, we have 19 year old Michael Ryan, who secured the 6-month kickstart role as the Premier League Primary star assistant coach at the LFC Foundation.

Michael first found out about the Sports Works programme at his local job centre after he had already applied for several roles. After several interviews Michael was successful for the role and embarked on his journey with the LFC Foundation. Before his time on Sport Works, Michael knew he wanted a career in sports and attended college for two years. Unfortunately, as a result of covid-19 Michael missed out on the chance of coaching in America and subsequently found himself unemployed. Consequently, Michael tried a range of roles in the time that followed such as delivery driving and working in warehouses to ensure that he had an income. “I didn’t like it and the hours were anti-social with no chance to progress in either role”. Following this Michael ended up having to go on universal credit. Michael was first made aware of the Sports Works opportunity by his job coach, applied for it and got the job. “Sport Works allowed me to meet a lot of people who were in the same position as me with different passions and like me and just needed a chance.” Michael paid close appreciation to the staff delivering the Sport Works programme “They really helped me gain confidence and go about everyday life, Where I was able to meet new people that I wouldn’t have been able to before. I really enjoyed the programme. I got to go to new places and got a lot of opportunities to progress my career further. I received two level two qualification, and this has enabled me to become more employable.” The LFC Foundation senior coordinator Rob Fairfield who delivered the Sport Works programme highlighted that “Michael started the course wanting to improve his confidence in social and work environments. At the start of the programme Michael kept himself to himself and was uncomfortable talking in a group setting. over time became a core member of the group- setting a professional example. Michael went in to presenting to large groups and delivering sports sessions to primary school christen as a lead coach. It has been a pleasure to see the development working Michael’s personal and working life.” Michael emphasised the importance of the opportunity that the Sport Works programme provided him, something that he was struggling to find previously. “I realised if I worked hard and used the skills, I developed within the training there was a opportunity for me to work in an industry I am Passionate about and can make a difference to young people’s lives” Upon completion of the Sport Works program, Michael has been able to turn his kickstart role into a permanent position in which will sit alongside a level 3 sports coaching apprenticeship paid for by the Foundation. Michael has not only become an integral part of the LFC Foundation team but is playing a key part in the delivery of a premier league programme. His manager Nick Ryan highlighted that “Mikey has settled well into the primary stars team, from starting as a kickstart, his delivery is evident in the work he continually puts in to not only grow within himself but also help the team. Through Mikey's commitment and ambition, we have decided to move him into an apprenticeship programme, he is now fully embedded with the team and is confident in producing his own ideas at team meetings and ensuring his voice his heard. Mikey is an honest, trustworthy colleague and someone we have big aspirations for. He has allowed us to expand our delivery to more schools which is very positive” Michael highlighted “I am now on a Sports apprenticeship where I can build my classroom and PE lessons in a professional setting with the staff I have worked with before, on the Sports Works Programme who also are helping me develop my skills and experience.”. Michael has also been matched with a professional mentor as part of the Sport Works post programme support. This combined with his apprenticeship, will allow Michael to continue to learn and provide an impact at the Foundation for years to come.


Liverpool FC Foundation is an independent charity registered in England & Wales with The Charity Commission, Charity Number: 1096572. Registered Office: Anfield Road, Liverpool, England L4 0TH. © Copyright 2025 The Liverpool Football Club and Athletic Grounds Limited. All rights reserved.