match ticket -SEASON TICKET HOLDERS AND OFFICIAL MEMBERSwho recorded 16 or more Premier League away games during Season 2023/24on sale soonWed 19 Mar 2025, 8:15am
Buy online from 8.15am on Wednesday 19 March until 10.45am on Thursday 20 March.
Supporters are guaranteed a ticket and can purchase one ticket per supporter ID number, up to a maximum of ten tickets per booking.
Please note that tickets purchased for away games are not available to 'DISTRIBUTE' or ‘FORWARD’ to other supporters.
match ticket -SEASON TICKET HOLDERS AND OFFICIAL MEMBERSwho recorded 15 or more Premier League away games during Season 2023/24on sale soonThu 20 Mar 2025, 11:00am
Buy online from 11am until 12.45pm on Thursday 20 March.
Tickets for this sale are subject to availability on a first come first served basis.
Supporters can purchase one ticket per supporter ID number, up to a maximum of four tickets per booking.
Please note that tickets purchased for away games are not available to 'DISTRIBUTE' or ‘FORWARD’ to other supporters.
match ticket -SEASON TICKET HOLDERS AND OFFICIAL MEMBERSwho recorded 14 or more Premier League away games during Season 2023/24SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITYThu 20 Mar 2025, 1:00pm
Buy online from 1pm until 2.45pm on Thursday 20 March.
Tickets for this sale are subject to availability on a first come first served basis.
Supporters can purchase one ticket per supporter ID number, up to a maximum of four tickets per booking.
Please note that tickets purchased for away games are not available to 'DISTRIBUTE' or ‘FORWARD’ to other supporters.
match ticket -SEASON TICKET HOLDERS AND OFFICIAL MEMBERSwho recorded 13 or more Premier League away games during Season 2023/24SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITYThu 20 Mar 2025, 3:00pm
Buy online from 3pm Thursday 20th March until 7:30am on Friday 21st March.
Tickets for this sale are subject to availability on a first come first served basis.
Supporters can purchase one ticket per supporter ID number, up to a maximum of four tickets per booking.
Please note that tickets purchased for away games are not available to 'DISTRIBUTE' or ‘FORWARD’ to other supporters.