Read Jürgen Klopp's Brentford programme notes in full

MatchRead Jürgen Klopp's Brentford programme notes in full

By Liverpool FC


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Read Jürgen Klopp’s matchday programme notes for Sunday afternoon’s Anfield league clash with Brentford in full.

“It is good to be back at home after three games on the road. Our games at Bournemouth and Luton were as testing as expected and produced different outcomes, but print deadlines mean I am writing these notes before our Europa League group match in Toulouse.

“Whether a game has already taken place or is still to happen, my view of our opponents does not really change. They all come with a challenge and this is most definitely true of Sunday’s opposition. Every time I watch Brentford play the thing that strikes me most is that they are a team with ideas, lots of ideas.

“This is testament to the work of Thomas Frank and his coaching staff, of course, but it reflects also on the players because they are the ones who have to implement those ideas in an unforgiving environment. So it is clear that Brentford is a club with a clear sense of identity, a vision on the pitch and a way of working which allows management and players to get the best out of one another. That’s not too bad, I would say.

“Their position in the league table this season – top half again, not too far off the European places – reflects this. I could not respect Brentford more. So I welcome Thomas, his staff and players to Anfield in the knowledge that, once again, they will not be coming here for anything else other than to give us a proper test.

“The good news is I am pretty sure that Thomas will be saying the same thing to his players. I keep on saying that the team we have now is a team to be loved but it is worth repeating. This does not mean that it is perfect because it is not. But it is a team full of personality, desire, talent and quality. There is so much to like.

“Again, though, we are still looking to become more stable and this is very much a work-in-progress. The work we are doing on the training ground at AXA and also in the games themselves will help us of course, but we are still in the early stages of a journey that is never easy so it makes sense that we keep on using every single second to accelerate our development.

“We have made a good start to the season, although it could also have been better, and this is something which pleases me a lot because it shows that we are capable of getting results even during a period of building. Now it is about taking the next steps and this is something that excites me because it is clear that there is so much potential.

“Unfortunately, I have to talk once again about the problem of tragedy chanting. Usually, I do not want to do this because I am worried that in doing so I am giving attention to people who do not deserve it. But I also know that there are people who I have a duty to stand beside and who I want to stand beside and this applies especially to the Hillsborough families and survivors and anyone else who has been affected by football tragedy.


NewsMargaret Aspinall helps launch new Premier League tragedy abuse programmeMargaret Aspinall has linked up with the Premier League for a new programme highlighting the pain and upset tragedy abuse can cause as the organisation gets set to launch educational resources regarding the issue.

“This is not about any particular club or any particular group of fans. It is about football as a whole and how we look after and protect those who are in need of our support. When we had an issue with a particular chant which caused pain to our LGBT+ supporters and others, we listened to those it affected and did what we could to make it clear that it was not acceptable. The situation with tragedy chanting should be no different.

“All we have to do is listen to those it affects, particularly as in this case they are people who have already suffered far too much and should not suffer any more, and make sure that it stops – now.

“Before kick-off on Sunday all of us inside Anfield, plus those watching at home, will pause as we always do at this time of year in an act of commemoration. I know among the supporters watching will be individuals who have served in the armed forces and those who have lost relatives and people precious to them in conflict. Even though I am not from this country, I have always viewed this particular custom as being exactly what it is described as: remembrance.

“When I fall silent I use the opportunity to be thankful for sacrifices that meant I could be free but also to pray that humanity will improve and learn from its past mistakes. Whoever you are thinking of during this time of reflection I hope you do so with a heart filled with love and compassion.”



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