If you can locate Liverpool's official mascot Mighty Red in our 360-degree photo of a packed Anfield crowd taken during the Reds' clash against Manchester United on Sunday, you could be in the running to win some fantastic prizes.

We've hidden five Mightys somewhere within the Anfield fanpic - a unique feature which allows fans to find and tag themselves on a giant photo of the stadium using their Facebook accounts.

If you can pick him out and correctly answer his questions, you can accrue points which will in turn lead to badges and the opportunity to win fantastic prizes such as a signed LFC shirt, LFC membership, an LFC museum tour and a Boot Room Cafe meal.

The fanpic covers every area of Anfield's four famous stands and is available to use online at www.liverpoolfc.com/fanpic.

Fans who log on will also be able to see which of their friends are tagged and invite other mates who were at the game to join the fun.

The feature even extends to those fans who weren't at the match as they can take part by clicking the 'Wish You Were Here' option and adding their profile pic via Facebook, to the virtual stadium.

The first 1,500 to add themselves this way will be placed into a section of the fanpic.

So make sure you get in the picture by bookmarking www.liverpoolfc.com/fanpic.