LFC TV will be celebrating its 4th birthday on 'Friday Night Live' tonight at 6pm and you can watch the show free online.

As a special birthday treat to fans, we're making the channel available to watch online for free for the duration of the show - something usually only available to LFC TV Online subscribers. 

To watch 'Friday Night Live' for free online, click here just before 6pm>> 

The new show, filmed in our brand new set, has proved popular with viewers this season and tonight's programme will reflect on the first fours years of the channel, look back on the win over Brighton and ahead to tomorrow's Anfield showdown with Wolves.

David Fairclough and Ian St John will be in the studio and we've got a surprise guest lined up to join the show at 7pm. We'll also have some birthday-themed input from a former hell razor from Anfield's past. However, it's you - the viewers - who make the show what it is and tonight, we're sending out a special invite to supporters from all over the world to get involved as we kick off a special LFC TV challenge we've set ourselves to feature fans from 100 different countries on the channel before the end of the season.

We've even bought ourselves a big map to pin each country around the world whenever a fan calls up.

Liverpool is known as a global football club so let's prove it - starting tonight!

Don't worry about the cost of the call as we'll call you straight back before putting you on air. So, no matter where in the world you are - the further away or more remote, the better - give us a call and tell us why you support the Reds.

Here's how you can get involved:

Telephone: 0044 845 234 4567
Email: lfctv@liverpoolfc.tv

Tweet @LFC
Text Kop to 60240 and include your name at the end (texts charged at standard network rates)

You can watch LFC TV on Sky Channel 434, Virgin Channel 544 and on the web via LFCTV Online.