LegalAuto Cup Scheme Terms and Conditions 2024-25



    These terms and conditions apply to the processes for admission into, and the participation in, the Liverpool Football Club Auto Cup Scheme for tickets for Liverpool Football Club’s matches at the Ground played during the 2024/25 football season within the following competitions (where relevant): UEFA Champions League, UEFA Europa League, UEFA Europa Conference League, FA Cup and League Cup.

      1. In these terms and conditions (except where a different interpretation is necessary in the context) the words and expressions set out below shall have the following meanings:

    “Additional Enrolment Period” or “AEP” has the meaning set out in clause 2.8;

    “Auto Cup Scheme” means each of: (i) the European Auto Cup Scheme; or (ii) the FA Cup Auto Cup Scheme; or (iii) the League Cup Auto Cup Scheme;

    “Auto Cup Scheme Hub” means the online hub located on the Club’s website which contains details for each Relevant Scheme, such hub currently being located at;

    “Applicant” means any person applying for admission into a Relevant Scheme;

    “Application” means an application to register for a Relevant Scheme and/or enter into a Ballot for a Relevant Scheme (as applicable);

    “Ballot” means a ballot system for an Auto Cup Scheme hosted on the Club’s official website;

    “Ballot Entry Period” means the applicable Ballot entry period for a Relevant Scheme as set out on the Auto Cup Scheme Hub where applicable (please note that such period may vary for each Relevant Scheme);

    “Cup Match(es)” means a match(es) played by LFC at the Ground in a Domestic Cup Competition or a European Cup Competition (as applicable);

    “Domestic Cup Competition” means any of the FA Cup or the League Cup;

    “Eligible Member” means a member or season ticket holder who has successfully enrolled in an Auto Cup Scheme;

    “Entry Criteria” means the entry criteria to register for an Auto Cup Scheme and/or a Ballot, as detailed on the Club’s website at;

    “End Date” means the date on which registration for a Relevant Scheme will end, such date being as set out on the Auto Cup Scheme Hub;

    “European Auto Cup Scheme” means the scheme within which qualifying individuals are automatically entitled to purchase tickets for European Cup Competition matches played by the Club at the Ground during season 24/25 excluding for the avoidance of doubt: (i) any matches played away from the Ground; and (ii) any finals of the relevant European competition; and (iii) any matches played without fans in attendance or at reduced capacity;

    “European Cup Competition” means any of the UEFA Champions League, UEFA Europa League or the UEFA Conference League;

    “FA Cup” means the competition known as the Emirates FA Cup as at the date of these terms;

    “FA Cup Auto Cup Scheme” means the scheme within which qualifying individuals are automatically entitled to purchase tickets for FA Cup matches played by the Club at the Ground during season 24/25 excluding for the avoidance of doubt: (i) any matches played away from the Ground; and (ii) any semi-finals or finals of the competition; and (iii) any matches played without fans in attendance or at reduced capacity;

    “Ground” means Anfield Stadium, Anfield, Liverpool L4 0TH;

    “League Cup” means the competition known as the EFL Carabao Cup as at the date of these ACS Terms;

    “League Cup Auto Cup Scheme” means the scheme within which qualifying individuals are automatically entitled to purchase tickets for League Cup matches played by the Club at the Ground during season 24/25 excluding for the avoidance of doubt: (i) any matches played away from the Ground; and (ii) any finals of the competition; and (iii) any matches played without fans in attendance or at reduced capacity;

    “My Account” means the “My Account” section within the ticketing section of the Club’s website;

    “Notification Date” means the date on which successful and unsuccessful Applicants for a Relevant Scheme will be notified within their My Account and/or via email, such date as set out on the Auto Cup Scheme Hub;

    “Redemption Period” means the period within which successful Applicants will be able to enrol into the Relevant Scheme as set out on the Auto Cup Scheme Hub;

    “Relevant Scheme” the relevant Auto Cup Scheme for which an Applicant registers;

    “Season” means the 2024/2025 football season; and

    “Start Date” means the date on which applications to register for a Relevant Scheme will begin, such date being as set out on the Auto Cup Scheme Hub.

      1. Applicants must satisfy the relevant Entry Criteria (which are incorporated into these ACS Terms) to register for a Relevant Scheme at the time of entry. Any Application for which the Applicant does not meet the relevant Entry Criteria will be invalid and, where such an Application is accepted the Club reserves the right at any time to:
        1. remove such Application from a Ballot (as applicable);
        2. (where a Notification is sent to such an Applicant) withdraw any invitation to enrol into a Relevant Scheme;
        3. (where such an Applicant successfully enrols into a Relevant Scheme) invalidate such enrolment and remove the Applicant from the Relevant Scheme including invalidating any tickets purchased under the Relevant Scheme without any refund; and/or
        4. disqualify such Applicant from future entries to any other Ballots and/or auto cup schemes operated by the Club.
      2. For the avoidance of doubt, an Application does not guarantee enrolment into the Relevant Scheme.
      3. Entries are limited to one (1) Application per Applicant per Relevant Scheme. No bulk, automated (whether via bots, scripts or otherwise) or third party Applications will be accepted and where Applicants make, or the Club suspects that an Applicant is making, duplicate, automated or third party Applications, such Applicant will be disqualified from the Relevant Scheme and/or any other Auto Cup Scheme. For Applicants, there is a strict limit of one (1) enrolment per Relevant Scheme.
      4. Applications will only be accepted from the Start Date to the End Date inclusive.
      5. Where the number of Applicants exceeds the number of tickets available in a Relevant Scheme, each Applicant will automatically be entered into a Ballot for that Relevant Scheme, where the successful Applicants will be selected at random. The details in relation to such Ballot shall be as set out in the Auto Cup Scheme Hub.
      6. The Club will aim communicate to all Applicants whether or not their Application was successful on the Notification Date, such communication being via an update applied to the ‘Personal Details’ section in My Account and/or an email to the registered email address held by the Club for such Applicant. Unsuccessful Applicants will need to keep checking the Auto Cup Scheme Hub and My Account for additional enrolment periods and ongoing Auto Cup Scheme updates. Where a Ballot has taken place, the outcome of the random selection as communicated to the Applicant by the Club is final. It is the responsibility of the Applicant to log in and check their My Account after submission of their Application and on the Notification Date.
      7. Successful Applicants wishing to enrol into the Relevant Scheme must do so during the Redemption Period. If a successful Applicant does not enrol into the Relevant Scheme by the end of the Redemption Period, such Applicant forfeits all rights to enrol into such Relevant Scheme.
      8. Applicants who are not initially successful will be held on a waiting list and provided with a waiting list number. During the course of the Season there may additional enrolment periods (“AEPs”) for a relevant Scheme. Such AEPs will be communicated to supporters by the Club providing details of such relevant AEP (including the waiting list numbers which are eligible) on the Auto Cup Scheme Hub. It is your sole responsibility to ensure you regular check the Auto Cup Scheme Hub for any AEPs during the course of the season, and LFC will not be responsible or liable where you are entitled to enrol into a Relevant Scheme but fail to do so before the closing date of such AEP.
      9. Enrolment into a Relevant Scheme is non-transferable. Only the named successful Applicant is eligible to enrol into the Relevant Scheme.
      10. Your Application constitutes acceptance of these terms and conditions (which incorporate the Entry Criteria) as final and binding. Entries which are not in accordance with these terms and conditions will be disqualified.
      11. Enrolment into a Relevant Scheme is subject to these ACS Terms, as may be updated by the Club from time to time, and any other terms and/or guidance which the Club notifies Eligible Members of from time to time.
      12. No responsibility is accepted by the Club for late or lost Applications and proof of sending an Application is not proof of receipt.
      13. The Club reserves the right to suspend, cancel or modify these ACS Terms at any time (and for any reason) with or without notice.
      14. Neither the Club nor its representatives shall be liable for any direct or indirect loss suffered as a result of any technical failure or malfunction or any other problem with any telephone network or line, system, server, provider or other matter outside its or their reasonable control which may result in any email, Application or Notification being not properly registered or recorded, sent or lost.
      1. Each Relevant Scheme is only available to Eligible Members and, subject to clause 3.5, is only valid for the Season.
      2. Each Relevant Scheme is only available for all relevant Cup Matches, except for where the final of any European Cup Competition or the League Cup, or the semi-final or final of FA Cup is played at the Ground in which case such matches will not be applicable for the Relevant Scheme.
      3. Further, for the avoidance of doubt, entry into a Relevant Scheme does not grant any Eligible Member rights to purchase tickets for any European Cup Matches or Domestic Cup Matches played away from the Ground.
      4. Subject to clause 3.5 below, Eligible Members of a Relevant Scheme will remain in the scheme for the duration of the applicable competition for such Relevant Scheme in which they are enrolled provided that such Eligible Member has purchased tickets for all applicable Cup Matches for that Relevant Scheme throughout the Season.
      5. Where an Eligible Member fails to purchase a ticket to a relevant Cup Match for any reason, which includes without limitation payment failure, the Eligible Member will be automatically removed from the Relevant Scheme for such Season.
      6. Eligible Members will be invited to select their preferred seat from those made available by the Club for the Cup Matches in the applicable cup competition they have enrolled into the Relevant Cup Scheme for.
      7. Eligible Members who participate in a Relevant Scheme and purchase tickets for a Cup Match will have their NFC season ticket or NFC member card automatically activated in order to attend the applicable Cup Match.
      8. Once you have enrolled in a Relevant Scheme then, subject to clause 3.5, you will remain in that scheme for as long as the Club is involved in the applicable competition(s) for that scheme during the Season.
      9. In the event that the seat allocated to you via a Relevant Scheme is subsequently required by the organising body or otherwise by the Club, we reserve the right to allocate you an alternative seat.
      10. Due to the scheduling of competition draws, the amounts and/or dates of payments for tickets to Cup Matches may vary during the course of the Season.
      11. Where possible the Club will endeavour to allow a short time period for Eligible Members whose payments fail to purchase a ticket for a Cup Match. In the event of a payment failure, the Club will notify you and provide you with another opportunity to purchase your ticket. Where you purchase a ticket for the relevant Cup Match you will retain your place within the Relevant Scheme. Where it is not possible to notify you directly, details will be published on the Club’s website -
      12. Eligible Members are solely responsible for ensuring that their personal details held by the Club for the purposes of the Relevant Scheme, including without limitation their credit/debit card details, mobile number and email address, are correct during the course of the Season. Failure to ensure this may result in payment failures which in turn will result in the subsequent removal from the Relevant Scheme pursuant to clause 3.5.
      13. It is the responsibility of the Eligible Member to check before travelling to the Ground to attend a Cup Match that their payment has been successful and they have a ticket purchased. This can be checked by visiting the Eligible Member’s “My Account” section on the Club website.
      14. Withdrawal from a Relevant Scheme is subject to a written request being submitted to the Club and will take effect prior to the commencement of the sale of the tickets to any relevant match after the receipt of such request.
      15. Each ticket purchased via a Relevant Scheme is subject to the Club’s match ticket conditions of issue and ticket refund policy applicable at the time of purchase. However, please note tickets returned for a refund will result in that Eligible Member being removed from the Relevant Scheme.
      16. The Club reserves the right to limit the number of Eligible Members in a Relevant Scheme, and to cancel or suspend a Relevant Scheme without further notice at any time during the Season
    3. GENERAL
      1. These terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales. The parties hereby submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of England and Wales.
      2. The invalidity or partial invalidity of any provision of these ACS Terms shall not prejudice or affect the remainder of these ACS Terms, which shall continue in full force and effect. If any invalid, unenforceable or illegal provision of this agreement would be valid, enforceable and legal if some part of it were deleted, the provision shall apply with the minimum modification necessary to make it legal, valid and enforceable.
      3. The Club’s failure to exercise, or delay in exercising, any right, power or remedy provided by these ACS Terms or by law shall not constitute a waiver of that right, power or remedy.
      4. Notwithstanding any other provision in these ACS Terms and with the exception of any Football Authority, no other person has any rights under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 to rely on or enforce any term of these ACS Terms. Nothing in these ACS Terms shall affect any right or remedy of a third party that exists or is available other than as a result of the aforementioned Act.